Please be guided by the following submission guidelines for panel and paper/poster proposals:
- ASEAN Studies practitioners and scholars who are interested in making a panel and paper/poster presentation should submit an abstract:
- Panel Proposals submit a session abstract of not more than 350 words and individual paper abstracts (maximum of 350 words per abstract).
- Paper Proposals submit an abstract of not more than 350 words.
- Both panel and paper/poster abstract proposals should be research-based and should have not been accepted and/or presented for presentation at any professional meeting, nor be currently under review for presentation at another professional meeting.
- Abstracts can be submitted through [email protected] by 09 February 2018.
- Abstracts should be written in English, the official language of the event. The abstract must convey the topic’s importance and relevance to the conference theme.
- All papers will go through a double blind-review process.
- The first author of accepted abstracts of panel and paper/poster proposal will be notified of the results of the review process by 15 February 2018.
- Authors are required to register for and attend the conference to present their paper if they are accepted. Only registered authors with accepted abstracts will be given a presentation slot.
- Authors with an accepted abstract should submit a full paper upon registration at the symposium.